Applied | Creative Data

Scholars from across every field of expertise are engaged in creating and using innovative computer applications and hardware to explore critical questions to improve outcomes in society, in healthcare, politics, art, economics and more. Many scholars working in increasingly interdisciplinary teams apply knowledge from fundamental data science and critical data studies to improve applications and uses of data for the public and social good.

Those who are engaged in developing or using innovative applications and other creative activities are at the center of how data science is used to answer key questions and solve problems. Researchers in this area are often working across many fields, including with researchers working on issues of justice as well as in fundamental data science, exploring how new and complex technologies can enhance and improve the human experience.

Applications for data science are as broad and immense as you can imagine. Every discipline across the university uses software to collect, analyze and present enormous amounts of data. 

Data scholars and librarians are concerned with tools for preserving and providing access to digital materials and knowledge preservation. Health scientists search for cures to diseases by looking for patterns across health data while seeking to remedy and eliminate health disparities. Materials scientists use data science tools to simulate the defects and interfaces of complex materials in lieu of complicated and expensive experiments to improve manufacturing outcomes. Education scholars analyze massive data sets to understand the needs of and recommend interventions for improving student learning in K-12 Education. Scholars across fields use data science methods to analyze data to explore climate change, and the physical world, including dark matter, planets, and the universe as we know it.

Innovative applications use complex computation methods and high performance computing to answer questions that could not otherwise be answered without data-intensive research methods and models.